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The World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics (WOSC) – Organisation Mondiale pour la Systémique et la Cybernétique (OMSC), is an association of individuals and organisations promoting systems thinking and cybernetics worldwide. WOSC was founded in 1969, with the desire to support the communication of individuals and organisations related to systems thinking and cybernetics worldwide.
The World Academy of Art & Science (WAAS) was founded in 1960 by eminent intellectuals including Albert Einstein; Robert Oppenheimer, Father of Manhattan Project; Bertrand Russell, Joseph Needham, co-Founder of UNESCO. WAAS Fellows come from diverse cultures, nationalities, intellectual disciplines and professions, chosen for eminence in the natural, technological and social sciences; the arts and humanities; different professions and fields of public service. Its focus from the beginning has been to address global social challenges. Its founding motive comes from the knowledge that academic knowledge cannot be separated or divorced from the social responsibility of how the knowledge is used.
The Global Listening Centre (GLC) is a dedicated premier international non-profit organization, which promotes the noble cause of listening worldwide and encourages individuals, organizations and institutions to work together to meet the urgent challenges of society. The GLC is organized according to its constitution and led by the Global Listening Board, which is comprised of experienced and passionate advocates who are leaders and experts in their respective fields.It instigates projects amongst motivated teams in support of its listening goals. The Global Listening Centre welcomes collaboration and partnership with organizations having a convergence of interest in studying, researching and promoting the practice of listening as well as advancing innovative technology for enhancing effective listening.
The Cosy project is funded, by the European Commission through the Swedish National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme, with the aim of providing undergraduate students with competences on complex systems thinking and academic lecturers and managerial staff with knowledge, skills and tools for adapting their educational activities with a specific focus on sustainable development by integrating complex systemic thinking.
Founded in 2015, the Communication & Media Studies Research Network offers an interdisciplinary forum for the discussion of the role of the media and communications in society. International Conference on Communication & Media Studies attendees include leaders in the field, as well as emerging scholars, who travel to the conference from all corners of the globe and represent a broad range of disciplines and perspectives
Theatre of Transformation supports and celebrates the emerging power of humanity to create new paradigms of power and shape our shared future. The world today appears to be on a high-speed trajectory towards man-made destruction. Complex crises are multiplying without resolution, causing incalculable human suffering and environmental devastation.
Home for Humanity is a transcultural Alliance of Humanity, comprised of individuals, homes, organisations and communities committed to human and planetary renewal. Driven by a shared vision of humanity living in unity with and service to all life, expressed in the Humanity Charter.Powered by the Art and Science of Integral Transformation to respond to the burning issues of our time through ground-breaking programmes. Anchored in an Integral Home, that catalyses agents of transformation and Homes for Humanity to work jointly for an integral, just and regenerative future for our Earth home.
Founded in 2013, the Italian Institute for the Future (IIF) is a non-profit organization for research, training, consulting and dissemination in futures studies, with the aim of spreading a culture of anticipation, social forecasting and the study of megatrends in Italy. Since 2018 it is an institutional member of the World Futures Studies Federation.
The Mother´s Service Society was founded in 1969 in Pondicherry, South India, with a view to studying and applying the basic laws of human development based on the theory of creation and evolution of consciousness propounded by Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.The Society’s activities now include applications to social development, business management, agriculture, economics, education, global governance, peace & security, literary criticism, psychology and spirituality.
The TuttiMedia Observatory, (a NON-PROFIT cultural association created with the aim of disseminating the culture of the digital age and made up of publishing, communication and industry companies) organizes seminars on new media. Its audience is represented by students, young managers, executives, teachers, institutional and political groups.In all these years he has gathered around him a large number of admirers and experts who love to debate on the following issues dedicated to digital transformation - to the ethics of the algorithm - to the information of the third millennium - to digital citizenship that needs schools and universities in step with the times. The goal is to create a bridge, therefore a constant flow between young people and those who hold the levers of economic, political and cultural power and also to attract attention to the so-called weak signals, that is, the intuitions that allow us to anticipate breakdowns and thus avoid failures. Media Duemila has been dedicated for more than 30 years to the epochal transformations.
Trans4m is a passionate enabler of individual and collective transformation processes. We address the burning issues of our time, releasing individual and collective genius. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, and Hotonnes, France, the Trans4m movement works through its Fellows, Integral Centers and Partner Organisations literally on all continents. At its core, Trans4m is a catalyst of a new integral theory and practice, supporting individuals, organisations, communities and societies to engage in carefully designed transformative processes, in order to develop their full potential and to contribute, in a sustainable and life-affirming way, to the development of humanity.Trans4m sees itself as an integral response to a “world on fire” – a world that is facing massive socio-ecological-economic-spiritual imbalances that altogether threaten the very existence of people and planet.
The World Complexity Science Academy (WCSA) is a think-tank whose motto is “research determines policy, which determines politics.” WCSA is also an organizational systemic hub of a network of world-class complexity system scholars, professionals, entrepreneurs, and policymakers for the diffusion of the “Complex System Approach”. The “Complex System Approach”, inspired by Jean Piaget’s, Heinz von Foerster’s, Ernst von Glasersfeld’s and Niklas Luhmann’s systemic constructivism, is meant as an interdisciplinary paradigm and an applied strategic toolkit for addressing the main global challenges and opportunities of our time — in terms of world-order policy-modeling and policy-making. As a think-and-do-tank, WCSA aims to facilitate the worldwide sharing of high added-value knowledge and the free circulation of intellectual and strategic capitals at a global scale, thereby facilitating transnational and supranational win/win policies.
The "Edgar Morin" Philosophy of Complexity Studies Center was founded in March 2002 in Messina by a group of scholars from the University′s Department of Philosophy, who have long been engaged in investigating the relationships between philosophy and sciences, and in explaining the different epistemological paradigms that have followed and contrasted over the last two centuries. It arose on the basis of the need to promote studies on the Philosophy of Complexity, the epistemological and "metaphysical" background of the most recent scientific achievements in an anti-reductionist sense. In this perspective, the Center was emblematically named after the thinker who more than any other has highlighted the complexus fabric of knowledge. The concrete opportunity was then provided by the cycle of Messina lectures held by Edgar Morin in March 2002, coinciding with the awarding - on the initiative of the members of the Center - of the Honorary Degree in Philosophy by the University of Messina.
The Italian Intelligence Society (SOCINT) is a non-profit scientific association, whose goal is to promote the culture and study of intelligence in Italy. The organization of the association is aimed at pursuing these fundamental social purposes. As a scientific society, SOCINT is aimed primarily at the academic community and scholars and researchers of various disciplines who make up the intelligence knowledge base in an interdisciplinary approach. Another fundamental purpose of SOCINT is to support teaching and research on the method of selecting and processing intelligence information. The current "disinformation society", in fact, produces an excess of data and news that are often altered, false or misleading: teaching how to adequately filter information and the sources from which it comes, therefore, is one of the main challenges from a point of view. pedagogical view, as well as an open frontier of scientific and technological research on large volumes of data (Big Data) produced by social networks.
The School of Consciousness and Tranformation (SCT) approaches the idea of integral education in two ways. First, SCT is distinct among liberal arts graduate schools in recognizing that scholarship should involve attention to profound issues of ultimate or essential concern. For this reason, SCT programs aim at social and personal transformation in service to individuals, communities, and the Earth. This vision is enacted through an integral pedagogy that sees means and ends as inseparable. Teaching and learning are not steps to transformation, but are transformative processes themselves. Second, SCT is committed to pedagogical and scholarly work that includes multiple ways of being, knowing, and acting. Accordingly, SCT programs embrace interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and integral approaches to knowledge and seek to include a plurality of methodological and social perspectives. Students graduate from the School of Consciousness and Transformation with a deepened sense of vocation, a rigorous approach to critical scholarship, and the ability to creatively engage their chosen fields.
The “Lake Como School of Advanced Studies” is an international Institute which has been founded in 2013 as the result of a joint effort of four Universities in Regione Lombardia: University of Insubria, Milano University, Milano-Bicocca University and Pavia University. The purpose of the Institute is the organization of Schools and small workshops. The duration of Schools is variable: typically, it ranges from five to ten days. Their audience is mainly composed of graduate and post graduate students. Topical workshops and meeting are also organized, in order to discuss recent progress in emerging fields of knowledge.
The "Collective Leadership Institute" empowers people at the individual level by building the competence for collective leadership, stakeholder collaboration, dialogic- and process facilitation, as well as transformation stewardship expertise. Additionally, CLI builds competence at the systemic level by strengthening the collective capacity of collaborating actors to implement dialogic change and to shift towards more co-creation.
CLI offers its certification programme through open courses, on-site courses, tailor made solutions, online learning, and the Young Leaders for Sustainability programme.